Spiraling Toward Irrelevancy

Never has a blog title spoken quicker to the absolute truth than "Spiraling Toward Irrelevancy" ...


"TGO Radio's Greatest Hits"

Approximately 57 minutes worth of material has been gathered for the “TGO Radio’s Greatest Hits” compilation, including such undisputed long-form classics as “A Thoughtful Analysis of Pat O’Brien’s Sexual Harassment Voicemails” and “A Thoughtful Analysis of Jenna Lewis’ Home Porn Movie.” The 17 tracks selected range in length from 31 seconds to 11 minutes and 30 seconds.

Here are the tracks selected so far; in roughly the order they will appear in the compilation.

1. "Openings and Beginnings" (5:36)
2. “The Birth of a Running Joke” (:31)
3. “A Thoughtful Analysis of Pat O’Brien’s Sexual Harassment Voicemails” (10:32)
4. “The Old Prostitute’s Home” (2:21)
5. “The Woodchipper” (:33)
6. “The Kid” (1:39)
7. “The Amish” (:46)
8. “The Back Passage” (5:29)
9. “Irony, Catch It” (:50)
10. “Falling Down” (:55)
11. “Random Splotches” (1:00)
12. “The Degenerate” (2:00)
13. “Mike Forbess, Comedic Genius” (3:46)
14. “Ayn Rand Would Love This Show” (2:06)
15. “The Floating McDonald’s” (4:29)
16. “Kosher Pet Food & The Post” (2:08)
17. “A Thoughtful Analysis of Jenna Lewis’ Home Porn Movie” (11:30)

Jeff will have hold of the CD today; hope to have the TGO Radio website up and running in the next few weeks.