"TGO Radio's Greatest Hits"
Here are the tracks selected so far; in roughly the order they will appear in the compilation.
1. "Openings and Beginnings" (5:36)
2. “The Birth of a Running Joke” (:31)
3. “A Thoughtful Analysis of Pat O’Brien’s Sexual Harassment Voicemails” (10:32)
4. “The Old Prostitute’s Home” (2:21)
5. “The Woodchipper” (:33)
6. “The Kid” (1:39)
7. “The Amish” (:46)
8. “The Back Passage” (5:29)
9. “Irony, Catch It” (:50)
10. “Falling Down” (:55)
11. “Random Splotches” (1:00)
12. “The Degenerate” (2:00)
13. “Mike Forbess, Comedic Genius” (3:46)
14. “Ayn Rand Would Love This Show” (2:06)
15. “The Floating McDonald’s” (4:29)
16. “Kosher Pet Food & The Post” (2:08)
17. “A Thoughtful Analysis of Jenna Lewis’ Home Porn Movie” (11:30)
Jeff will have hold of the CD today; hope to have the TGO Radio website up and running in the next few weeks.
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