TGO Radio Election Night Live
What began in early August as a generic attempt to bring TGO Radio back to a computer near you has now morphed into a live, two-hour Election Night special, TGO Radio Election Night Life, which will broadcast through the Blog Talk Radio website starting at 9pm on Election Night, Tuesday, 04 November.
We only just decided to sally forth this last Wednesday, but so far we’re bringing in three television monitors (Fox, CNN, MSNBC), a spotter, a news girl; we’ll be taking listener phone calls, conducting interviews with correspondents in many of the various battleground States as well as other notable, election related guests. So on and so forth.
More details as they become relevant; but in the process of assembling the election guides we’ll be using that night, I have scribbled fervently upon both sides of several sheets of paper….
We only just decided to sally forth this last Wednesday, but so far we’re bringing in three television monitors (Fox, CNN, MSNBC), a spotter, a news girl; we’ll be taking listener phone calls, conducting interviews with correspondents in many of the various battleground States as well as other notable, election related guests. So on and so forth.
More details as they become relevant; but in the process of assembling the election guides we’ll be using that night, I have scribbled fervently upon both sides of several sheets of paper….

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