Spiraling Toward Irrelevancy

Never has a blog title spoken quicker to the absolute truth than "Spiraling Toward Irrelevancy" ...


No Time For Love, Dr. Jones / TGO Radio / Studio / Lincoln Blog

Here’s how I know it’s time to work: I lost interest in sex over the weekend.

This happens periodically. My moods swing just frequently enough to guarantee I’ll spend a significant portion of every year repelled by the idea of the fairer sex. (2005 was a rare exception; managed to whore around pretty good last year.) The greatest such period occurred in 1999 – 2000, when I went 18 months without giving a single female so much as a sideways glance, but normally it only goes on for a few months before I wake up one morning and find myself dry humping a fire hydrant.

Felt this coming Saturday afternoon while entertaining some female company. As things got interesting I felt that old twinge; indifference. Not so much toward her (though I have since developed it, for reasons I will not get into here) but toward the act itself. I made some crude joke to get myself out of it and got rid of her ASAP. This was (is) good news – I tend very much to cater to my desires as I have them, and so by eliminating female consumption (I refuse to date steadily, so I’m unsure what else to call it) I allow myself the time to concentrate on what matters: Mr. Lincoln’s corpse, the column, the radio show, the websites ….

Speaking of TGO Radio, we taped a test show last Friday night … the fact I’ve yet to listen to it should tell you what I think about it. We didn’t just take a few weeks off; it’s been eight months since Jeff dipped out on the first season. One test show isn’t going to knock all the rust off. A lot of tightening will need to happen before I can even think of taking the second season to its three person audience.

The studio is just now coming along, one of the many projects I have going at the same time. In fact, it should be finished today.

The Lincoln’s Tomb blog is doing very well … check it out here. See you tomorrow.