Spiraling Toward Irrelevancy

Never has a blog title spoken quicker to the absolute truth than "Spiraling Toward Irrelevancy" ...


TGO 7: A Definite Maybe

Contrary to a previous posting, I neglected to make an announcement last Saturday as to whether another book is in the offing, the simple reason being I’ve yet to make a decision.

Book writing is very long and extremely exhausting business for me, normally one that stretches out over a few years. (Before another writer beat me to the punch topic-wise, I was prepared to lend anywhere from five and seven years to the Lincoln book.) It was during the final stages of The 5 Minutes of Silence (1998) that I suffered a medium-sized nervous breakdown, an incident that always lingers in the back of my mind when book writing becomes a thought. Before saying or doing anything, I must make certain that (1) I am emotionally healthy enough to proceed, which these days includes self-knowledge I’ll not fall back to drinking or pill popping in the process; and (2) that enough time can be logically cut away and put aside for a book, with other important things upcoming.

But something is telling me that if it’s taking this long to decide, than the decision has already been made. More if it develops.

New column Tuesday, if I can get it to work. If not, maybe Wednesday, but it's already an old topic.