Spiraling Toward Irrelevancy

Never has a blog title spoken quicker to the absolute truth than "Spiraling Toward Irrelevancy" ...


Assorted Little Pieces of News

One: I have prepared my first packet of columns for submission to Creators Syndicate. They can all be found here and are: "(Jeremiah) Wright Reasoning" from 22 March; "White Guilt and CYA in Eugene, Oregon" from 04 April; "Tibet: This Year's Fashionable Victim" from 10 April; "Ben Stein's Important Movie, Falling Short" from 24 April; and "Campaign '08: Never More Embarrassing?" from 29 April.

Last year, Bernard Goldberg wrote a generous blurb for The Unabrian Manifesto, and today he took a moment from his vacation overseas to grant my request to use the blurb in the cover letter for Creators. He wrote said blurb in full knowledge it would be used at brianWise.com, but this sort of usage is another matter, and I didn't want to proceed without his okay.

In any event, just as soon as Creators sends me the uniform rejection form letter, I'll post it for everyone to see. I expect to be collecting them.

Two: Column writing will continue, in hopes of further streamlining the product and making it more palatable for syndicators. Starting next Thursday, columns will be delivered every Thursday (save randomly chosen "vacation" days). Concurrently, I'll begin looking for three to five high powered affiliates in hopes of expanding exposure.

Three: In the next two to three weeks, I also plan to make announcements on whether another book will be in the works this year, and maybe some other interesting things.