Spiraling Toward Irrelevancy

Never has a blog title spoken quicker to the absolute truth than "Spiraling Toward Irrelevancy" ...


"Indoctrinate U"

In the lead-up to the Iraqi War, I released a long essay entitled “Troublesome People And Their Ideas,” part of which documented portions of Evan Coyne Maloney’s short film “Protesting the Protesters.” Maloney plunked himself amongst the rabble at an antiwar protest and asked them simple questions about the war to come. Their reactions were all at once typical of the breed and unsettling.

Maloney granted me permission to excerpt his film before the essay’s initial release in February 2003, and again just before large portions of the essay were pruned away for The Unabrian Manifesto in January 2006 (read the portions of Maloney’s film on pages 66 through 68). In my dealings with Maloney, I found him pleasant and gracious in offering me his permissions.

Wednesday I was pleased to learn that Evan Maloney has completed and released a full-length documentary film called Indoctrinate-U, about the Left’s ongoing, pervasive, and successful indoctrination of students at colleges and universities everywhere. A grass roots movement is springing up around the film; its aim is to not only arrange screenings but also to convince a distributor the film is worth the gamble. Count me in.

Learn more by reading the Stanley Kurtz article at National Review Online, then visit the official website here (which includes a fine preview).