Winding Down.
Anyways. Following my failure to produce new columns last month, it finally – finally, finally – became clear that whatever I had previously hoped was my dream quietly passed at some point in the last two years. I began winding things down for good.
Over at, a Kennedy assassination column from November 2002 (in which I took a pro-conspiracy position) was, a couple weeks ago, corrected to fit what I now realize is the proper view (Oswald as lone shooter). Some small corrections, having mostly to do with punctuation missteps and oddly-placed or missing words, were made to The Unabrian Manifesto. Expect to see the corrected version whenever I get round to it. To get a jump on the site’s functional shutdown, an image has been posted at the top of the main page. It reads: “Sorry, we’re no longer updating this site. We’ve left it as reference.”
Though I’ve been attempting to write postings for this blog, I’ve nothing even passively interesting to say without a writing career and an informed opinion at my back. The updates I’ve written have all pretty much descended to who’s fucking me and who isn’t; who’s lying to me; who’s not speaking to me and vice versa, so on and so on down that sad old high school line. To have posted that goddamned nonsense would have brought me perfectly in league with the half-a-country of fat, lonely 15-year-old girls who maintain the vast majority of MySpace accounts and blog pages (and who sooner or later will overtake Facebook, as well). Christ only knows the world doesn’t need another of those.
If something interesting or important should arise, you will find me here. And if I ever write again, it certainly will be posted here. If not, I bid you all a fond farewell.
Killface for President.
Over at, a Kennedy assassination column from November 2002 (in which I took a pro-conspiracy position) was, a couple weeks ago, corrected to fit what I now realize is the proper view (Oswald as lone shooter). Some small corrections, having mostly to do with punctuation missteps and oddly-placed or missing words, were made to The Unabrian Manifesto. Expect to see the corrected version whenever I get round to it. To get a jump on the site’s functional shutdown, an image has been posted at the top of the main page. It reads: “Sorry, we’re no longer updating this site. We’ve left it as reference.”
Though I’ve been attempting to write postings for this blog, I’ve nothing even passively interesting to say without a writing career and an informed opinion at my back. The updates I’ve written have all pretty much descended to who’s fucking me and who isn’t; who’s lying to me; who’s not speaking to me and vice versa, so on and so on down that sad old high school line. To have posted that goddamned nonsense would have brought me perfectly in league with the half-a-country of fat, lonely 15-year-old girls who maintain the vast majority of MySpace accounts and blog pages (and who sooner or later will overtake Facebook, as well). Christ only knows the world doesn’t need another of those.
If something interesting or important should arise, you will find me here. And if I ever write again, it certainly will be posted here. If not, I bid you all a fond farewell.
Killface for President.

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