Spiraling Toward Irrelevancy

Never has a blog title spoken quicker to the absolute truth than "Spiraling Toward Irrelevancy" ...


"TGO Radio Election Night Live" Updates.

The only “official” TGO Radio listed at Blog Talk Radio is at 9pm EST on Election Night, but there will be a few hour-long live shows (“TGO Radio Open Mic Night Live”) between now and then. Looks like the first could be on Friday, 24 October, but that could change if we encounter any equipment problems between now and then. Check back here for updates.

My old ISP was thrown to the curb a couple weeks ago, and Comcast was installed yesterday afternoon; Internet should not be a problem. Jeff will be dropping by here Monday evening, and we’ll be tearing apart my front room in order to install our Election Night “recording studio,” along with two of our three television screens. That (hopefully) accomplished, we’ll record a test show on Tuesday evening (sixty minutes, not live, no callers), and if that goes well, the live show on Friday.

The Election Day guide is just about finished. [Above: a screen capture of the first House page, in Word.] Completed sections include State Electoral votes by time of poll closings, State governors, Gubernatorial races, and House races. (Currently working on Senate races, and anticipate it being done Saturday evening.) At that point the completed guide will be about 70 pages in length, not including our individual research. That will leave the entire last two weeks for research. [Below: several of the handwritten notes employed for the election guide.]

TGORadio.com should be online next weekend; nothing fancy, just info on the open mic and Election Night shows. A “Radio” page at BrianWise.com will be up this weekend; same story.

Our guest list for Election Night is slowly coming together; slowly. With a two hour show, and with everything involved with the election happening live, it will be somewhat difficult to schedule people, so we’re in the unique position of assuming certain people can be interviewed at certain times. More on the guest list in the next several days (hopefully).


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